Talk: Decoding the Language of Cereal Box Design with Scikit-Learn

Speaker: Mart van de Ven (tijptjik)

Company: Droste

Language: English (with English Slides)

Slides: Decoding the Language of Cereal Box Design with Scikit-Learn (CC-BY)

Photo of Mart van de Ven

About Speaker

Mart is the director of Droste, a Hong Kong-based Data Science Consultancy, a Data Science Instructor at General Assembly, Co-founder of Open Data Hong Kong, and the convener for Symbol & Key.

About the Topic

Cap'n Crunch, Tony the Tiger, and Cornelius Rooster have sold you on their brand of cereals for decades. But is there a relation between what's on the box and what's inside? This talk uses Data Science techniques to explore how marketing departments use colour, layout and character design to communicate what you can expect from a cereal. Technically, we'll highlight the use of the PyData stack to generate features from images, cluster cereal types and predict their nutritional values. The talk will culminate in the unmasking of the cereal mascot that's been taking you for a fool all these years!