Talk: Monitoring the performance of Python web applications.

Speaker: Graham Dumpleton

Company: Red Hat

Language: English (with English Slides)

Slides: Monitoring the performance of Python web applications (All Right Reserved)

Photo of Graham Dumpleton

About Speaker

Graham has been using the Python programming language since the days when the only way to obtain it was as shar files over Usenet news groups. He is the author of mod_wsgi, a module for hosting Python web applications with Apache, as well as the wrapt module, a package designed for creating robust decorators and for monkey patching. Graham is a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation and a member of the Apache Software Foundation.

About the Topic

In this talk you will learn about how the performance of Python web applications can be monitored. It will look at traditional approaches for monitoring based on using throughput and response times. It will then illustrate how such an approach to monitoring doesn’t adequately capture some details which are key to properly tuning Python WSGI servers to ensure they are running at their best, and so in turn allowing your Python web application to run at its best.